Friday, April 11, 2014

Chloe + Isabel

Chloe + Isabel offers high quality jewelry at great prices with a lifetime replacement guarantee! 
There is something for everyone with every type of budget.
Jewelry price points range from $18 to $200

Chloe + Isabel makes the perfect gift for Mother's Day, birthdays, graduation gifts, bridal showers, Christmas, Easter, and lots of other holidays and events.

All of their jewelry is hypoallergenic, nickle free and lead safe
REMEMBER: Chloe + Isabel offer a lifetime replacement guarantee and a 30 day money back guarantee on every piece.

Shop my personalized store HERE

If you are "sell savvy" and would like to sell Chloe + Isabel on your own, please contact me via FACEBOOK so I can refer you.
If you would like to co-host a party with me, please also contact me via the facebook link above. You don't have to be local. We can set up an online shop ( like selling off your blog ) and go from there. You will receive free jewelry for every $200 you sell!